Last week, I cleared off most of the memos. All the memos are important. Department lain dah bising mintak itu ini. We have approximately 5 weeks to prepare an event. Yet, only 1 memo was signed. Last week, I sent a draft SOP to be cleared off. I never got any reply despite several reminders I sent.
It's really frustrating to work like this, isn't it? I have my own deadlines to achieve and it takes a helluva of a time to get past the approval phase. Tell me why I shouldn't get frustrated.
My boss is the most de-motivated person around. I do understand & I sympathise with the circumstances. But please la. While my assistant handles everything he is supposed to handle (including his travel claims, etc), I have to handle my assistant's work AND my work, on top of it. Tell me why that should not make me irritated with my boss.
Even the Finance Manager once, in a berrated way told us, 'I have 3 staffs over there, you have three staffs over here. Why can't you help us?' We start to do head-count and concluded he counted my boss' staffs as my assistant+me+me. Apparently, I'm a double-entry. Then I start to worry about how the company is faring when the Finance Manager can't even do head-count properly.
I guess this is the point of reflection. I am in the worst spot in my life - stuck with the work I love in a place I hate. Tough choice, Carneyz. Still, as I say - even the exit is forward.