... I'm sick & tired of work.
Raya is back again and around the corner. Suddenly AirAsia's website is more important than any other website in the world! Making arrangement to go back requires high mathematical skills and a pre-set (template) Excel file, like this one:
Anybody who wants to own that kind of template can email me and it'll be RM65 please, to cover AirAsia's admin & fuel surcharge cost.
All I need to do is to fill in the cells with latest air flight fares which have increased dramatically over the past 1 year. I'm rather spoilt for choice, sometimes. Because I always balik kampung to my grandparents' house in Sibu, I could travel:
a. KL-SIBU (direct) - return fares are cheaper BUT the connecting travel via road / river (it's very adventurous being a Sarawakian) is rather difficult to arrange due to inconvenient hour of the flight due to different fares for different flight times... Susah, kan?
b. KL-KUCHING-SIBU (transit Kuching) - another option to match the time BUT the fare is a stopping factor.
c. KL-KUCHING-MUKAH (transit Kuching) - well, Mukah is a more convenient stop to my kampung. It'd be easier for my aunt / uncle / cousin to pick me up at Mukah Airport than at Sibu Airport.
These sort of arrangements are called 'Mix N Match', which I have perfected over the years of studying here. I could pick choice 'a' for balik kampung and option 'c' for coming back here. So far, that is my best solutions that would reduce the impact of the whole travel issues on my financial situation (sob!).
All in all, let's just say Raya travel would cost me RM550 - to RM600 / person. Which is a HUGE amount compared to a few years back when it only costs max RM450 (and that's traveling MAS, I tell you).
So sesapa yang rasa dia kaya & terasa nak ber'gerek'kan (gerek=awek) gadis Sarawak, bersedialah mengorbankan ongkos yg byk untuk support kos balik kampung tetiap tahun ni. Korang akan terasa bahang yang sampai berpeluh start dari nak buat kenduri kawen kat sana (muahaha!).
So far, aku sangat bertimbangrasa kepada lelaki2 Malaya sebab tak penah nak usha dieorg kerana aku amat memahami masalah $$ yg akan timbul ;) Case closed!
Anybody who wants to own that kind of template can email me and it'll be RM65 please, to cover AirAsia's admin & fuel surcharge cost.
All I need to do is to fill in the cells with latest air flight fares which have increased dramatically over the past 1 year. I'm rather spoilt for choice, sometimes. Because I always balik kampung to my grandparents' house in Sibu, I could travel:
a. KL-SIBU (direct) - return fares are cheaper BUT the connecting travel via road / river (it's very adventurous being a Sarawakian) is rather difficult to arrange due to inconvenient hour of the flight due to different fares for different flight times... Susah, kan?
b. KL-KUCHING-SIBU (transit Kuching) - another option to match the time BUT the fare is a stopping factor.
c. KL-KUCHING-MUKAH (transit Kuching) - well, Mukah is a more convenient stop to my kampung. It'd be easier for my aunt / uncle / cousin to pick me up at Mukah Airport than at Sibu Airport.
These sort of arrangements are called 'Mix N Match', which I have perfected over the years of studying here. I could pick choice 'a' for balik kampung and option 'c' for coming back here. So far, that is my best solutions that would reduce the impact of the whole travel issues on my financial situation (sob!).
All in all, let's just say Raya travel would cost me RM550 - to RM600 / person. Which is a HUGE amount compared to a few years back when it only costs max RM450 (and that's traveling MAS, I tell you).
So sesapa yang rasa dia kaya & terasa nak ber'gerek'kan (gerek=awek) gadis Sarawak, bersedialah mengorbankan ongkos yg byk untuk support kos balik kampung tetiap tahun ni. Korang akan terasa bahang yang sampai berpeluh start dari nak buat kenduri kawen kat sana (muahaha!).
So far, aku sangat bertimbangrasa kepada lelaki2 Malaya sebab tak penah nak usha dieorg kerana aku amat memahami masalah $$ yg akan timbul ;) Case closed!
Let's face it - a visit to a dentist is a scary prospect that left you in pain for several days onwards. So I wasn't really happy when I suddenly woke up to a severe pain under my right jaw and thus led me to conclude that the dreaded journey somehow is inescapable.
Last Friday, I went to a dental clinic in Gombak. The clinic that I went to is 'Klinik Pergigian Noorhuda'. My first question was - 'Do you accept credit cards?' (What snob!) coz a trip to a dentist does not only left you in pain physically, but financially as well. Never mind the fact that I can claim afterwards from my company but you know, it takes ages to get the claim processed. My last medical claim cheque actually grew mildew on it. Imagine!
I seriously recommend this clinic to everybody because of the great service, the friendly staff and the doctor's very soothing manner.
I went into the room and after a friendly greeting, was asked to sit on the patient reclining chair. The nurse tied a bib and the doctor started asking me what kind of pain I experienced, how old I was and the reason he asked was probably because I might grow that last tooth, whatchacallit, gigi bongsu.
After examining my teeth, he sat and explained in detail, that my back teeth are a bit lower than the rest of my teeth. So that meant even though I brush my teeth regularly, there're areas I can't reach. Over time, this caused buildup of cavities and now there're holes in these two tooth. My gigi bongsu also doesn't have space to grow and it's best if I had this extracted.
You should see the way he explain the part about extracting this gigi bongsu. He made it sound so fun like wow, I can't wait to have this tooth out! That surgery is like getting foot massage. It was no wonder I readily agreed at once to this suggestion.
First, he X-rayed my denture. He explained the X-ray film like telling a five-year-old a bedtime story. Then he gave me a couple of antibiotics and painkillers to swallow. After that he asked me to open my mouth wide and I tried not to look at the deadly syringe that contained anaesthetic. He hummed and told me in a soothing voice to recite Al-Fatihah, selawat, etc. while he injected my gum. Perhaps because I was relaxed, it didn't hurt badly. It felt like ant's bite. After a minute, half of my mouth felt numb.
I was relaxed throughout the whole entire operation except there's this one incident that his equipment which was in my mouth skidded and I heard a cracking sound that I panicked and my eyes nearly popped out. He quickly told, 'Takde apa2. Everything's ok. Relax...'
Half an hour later, I had safely delivered my gigi bongsu (hahaha!), which I asked to keep but later, forgot to take it back. I picked up my meds, arranged a follow-up appointment and then went back home for some rest.
Saturday. Nothing happened. No pain, no fever (the doctor warned I might feel feverish after that surgery). On Sunday & Monday however, I was attacked by a surge of extreme pain and uncomfortable feeling around the wound so I went back to the clinic earlier than my pre-arranged appointment. He cleaned the wound (macam kena electrocute!), picked out some food that managed to get into the wound, and gave more painkiller, antibiotics and a day mc. So yesterday, I was on mc again (nasib baik my tasks are mostly cleared off last week).
So that was my experience at the dental clinic. So, if anybody want to go and see a dentist, I do recommend this clinic because they have post-check up service for free and experienced dentist. Thumbs up for the doctor!
P/S: I would like to take the opportunity to wish all Malaysians 'Selamat Menyambut Hari Kemerdekaan' :) Please take a moment to appreciate our freedom from oppression, and to remember those who are oppressed or robbed off their country's liberty i.e. Palestine, Lebanon, Iraq. I am Malaysian and I am proud of it.
Tghr tadi aku dapat call dari Didi (Rushdi). Dia ni kawan satu UTM dulu - kreatif dan pandai buat bisnes orangnya. Kiteorg kenal masa dia tolong aku buat assignment website. Dari situ aku belajar ilmu design-mendesign ni a.k.a Photoshop sampai aku gelar dia 'Sifoo'. Rushdi pandai amik gambar profesional gak, so kalau sesapa yang perlu khidmat photographer & videographer untuk apa2 event, boleh la kontek Didi (design#lasso.com.my - gantikan # dengan '@'). Harga berpatutan, percayalah ;)
Sebenarnya Didi call utk 2 sebab - pertama, nak jemput aku ke majlis kawen dia kat Perak. Kedua, nak mintak payment. Hehe. Sori la Di, kalau aku yg in-charge payment aku issue sekarang jugak pun boleh. Tapi masalahnya bukan aku yg berkuasa :p
Wife Didi pulak ialah ex-roommate aku masa stay kat Skudai dulu. Lawa giler orangnya. Masa dia mula2 masuk bilik aku, aku outstation ke KL. Bila aku balik, aku tgk ada awek yg lawa tgh tido kat bilik aku. Mak ai! Aku rasa nak nangis time tu gak sebab aku tak sama langsung ngan dia (tak lawa)! Baik pulak orang nya. Bertuah ko, Didi! Hehe. Jaga baik2 anak orang Di.
Lastly, selamat menempuh alam perkahwinan kepada Sa & Didi :) Semoga korang bahagia dunia & akhirat. Huhu...! Macam best je kawen ni :p
Sabtu lepas, dengan niat sivik dan rasa tanggungjawab, aku mengajak orang tu pegi bayar saman yang telah lama tertangguh. Jadi dia pun mengesyorkan pegi ke Balai Polis Trafik kat area Petaling Street tu (aku tak ingat la pulak nama balai polis tu. Al-maklum la, hard disk dah rosak teruk beb!).
Sebelum pegi bayar saman, kami pegi makan tengahari kat sebuah restoren masakan Thai (Restoran Lala). Dari dulu lagi sebenarnya nak perkenalkan restoren ni kat dia tapi aku yang mempunyai masalah kompas rosak ni tak ingat pulak camne nak gi situ. Cuma lepas majlis farewell lunch sorang executive dibuat kat area tu jugak, barulah aku bersungguh2 menghafal jalan. Yang kelakarnya:
Sebenarnya, boleh je amik kiri terus masuk ke simpang kiri tu dari trafik light depan Maju Junction tapi kan, sebab memori aku jenis photographic yg ikut turutan (kalau tak, bercelaru) jadi kenalah buat satu pusingan tu baru la masuk ke simpang yang sama nak menuju ke Restoren Lala tu! Adei la. Dia jeling semacam je kat aku masa tu sementara aku dah gelak terguling2.
Makanan kat situ memang sedap so apa lagi. Map dah kasi, sapa2 nak belanja kami boleh hubungi kami dengan kadar segera!
Lepas makan, kamipun nak gi bayar saman dan cari hadiah untuk kawan dia yang nak berkahwin hari berikutnya. Dengan keyakinan tinggi, dia ajak gi bayar saman kat area Petaling Street tu.
Dengan matahari terpacak di kepala, jalan yang jem giler, berdebu, sesak dengan orang di samping keazaman untuk melangsaikan saman, kami berputar2 di area tu sebanyak 2-3 kali! Setiap detik yang sepatutnya dihabiskan bersantai di rumah di hadapan kipas angin kelajuan maksima sebaliknya dimanfaatkan bersungguh2 untuk cari balai polis trafik tu.
Mungkin korang tertanya2 apsal kiteorg tak gi je balai polis trafik yang lain? Tapi jangan hairan ya, kami memang begitu. Degil dan keras kepala. Kalau nak bayar saman kat situ, kat situ jugak la sasaran kami *sambil menghentak2 kaki dan membunyikan gelang tangan berloceng*. Jangan cuba mengalihkan sasaran kami. Awas ya!
Akhirnya, lepas 3 jam berputar di situ, dia berhasrat bertanyakan jalan di Balai Polis Ampang (Ampang?) . Lepas mendapat maklumat terperinci, bergegas la kami ke lokasi dimaksudkan ala2 Explorace. Maka, pencarianku usai sudah...
Tapi malang tak berbau... arituh balai polis trafik bahagian pembayaran saman cuma bekerja half-day! Tidaaakkkk!!! Alamatnya, tunggu bulan depan la baru ader hati dan semangat nak bayar saman lagik. Sekian :p
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