Hari Khamis lepas, sempena kedatangan mak aku, kunci motor aku menghilangkan diri (dengan kehilangannya, lesap la jugak duit RM55 utk tukar lock, dan keychain kesayangan aku). Keychain kesayangan aku yang aku beli di Pesta Konvo UTM 5 tahun lepas ialah harta yang paling setia menemani aku (selain Nokia 3210 aku yang bak kata LediAgli ialah teman baik sorang pompuan sbb baling kat anjing boleh pengsan gamaknya anjing tu).
Semasa berjalan2 dengan mak dan dia di Jusco Midvalley, aku sempat bermain-main ngan teddy bear (sambil berangan-angan nak beli untuk tambah koleksi atas meja opis). Tiba-tiba dia datang dan bila aku berpaling sambil tunjuk teddy bear yang aku pegang, dia menghulurkan keychain seekor kucing yang cooooooommmmeeeelll gilerrrrrr.
Time tu jugak aku rasa terharu teramat10x sangat sampai merah-merah muka menahan air mata bila dia hadiahkan aku keychain tu. Hehe
Aku terus terjatuh chenta sama itu kucing. Kucing tu mula-mula aku nak namakan 'Mimi' (sebab kat Sarawak kiteorang nak panggil kucing mesti sebut, 'Mimi! Mimi!'). Tapi ada label kat kucing tu menunjukkan nama dier Nici. Jadi aku pun bagi nama Nichi kat dier. Cute Little Kucing (CLK - Nichi).
Malam tu, sambil mak berehat2 di tepi, aku tergolek2 di atas tilam sambil belai2 Nichi dan memanggil2 namanya, 'Nichi! Nichi! Nichhhiiiii!' berulang-ulang kali sampai mak aku fed up dan berkata,
'Sudah la tu! Cam nak panggil kucing balik rumah pulak. Mak nak tido.'
Hehe. Harap2 Nichi tak akan hilang dari pandangan mata aku. I love u sooo much bebeh! Best giler belai2 Nichi sambil picit perutnya yang buncit dengan manik2 di dalam (beany cat).
'Suka tak Nichi?'
'Awak rasa apa bila orang kasi tu?'
'Rasa nak nangis.'
'Sebab best.'
'Macam budak2.'
'Orang kan baru 12.'
'Budak kecik.'
P/S: Time kasih ;)
Aku dan PA Trump:
'Carneyz, appointment you ngan Dr. N next week ye? Dia tak free besok. I block Monday?'
>Scan organizer<
'Monday I on leave.'
'OK. Morning or afternoon?'
'Afternoon you kan sit in discussion ngan Datuk & Datuk H?'
'Oh yeah... pukul 3.30pm ye?'
'A'ah. OK, I block 10am. Dr. N's office.'
'Jangan lupa discussion Project A besok, 4 pm.'
'Pukul 4 ye? (scribble in organizer) Nanti I call dieorang.'
Aku & bos:
'Carneyz, I want you to go to JB next week. Tuesday.'
'Oh, but I am blocked the whole day.'
'Really? OK, make it Wednesday la.'
'In the meantime, try to submit that summary for corporate video's input by tomorrow. Datuk is anxious to see the storyboard any time soon.'
'Will do.'
'3 pm David will be in to discuss on this project. I want you to sit in.'
>bila gamaknya aku nak siapkan data tu untuk Trump padahal dier nak by Thursday. Gila, gila! Aku gila!!<
Aku & colleague:
'Carneyz, I email contact details publisher. Pastu department budget kat you.'
'Za, I rasa macam I pulak nak terberanak ni.'
'Takpelah. Take it as a challenge.'
'Apsal la u nak beranak time ni?' (dier just gelak2)
>challenge giler babas<
Aku & dia:
'Sayang, banyak betul keje. Tension la. Nasib baik ada sayang.'
'Ala, kesiannya sayang...'
P/S: Caiyok2x buat diri-sendiri...!
'Carneyz, appointment you ngan Dr. N next week ye? Dia tak free besok. I block Monday?'
>Scan organizer<
'Monday I on leave.'
'OK. Morning or afternoon?'
'Afternoon you kan sit in discussion ngan Datuk & Datuk H?'
'Oh yeah... pukul 3.30pm ye?'
'A'ah. OK, I block 10am. Dr. N's office.'
'Jangan lupa discussion Project A besok, 4 pm.'
'Pukul 4 ye? (scribble in organizer) Nanti I call dieorang.'
Aku & bos:
'Carneyz, I want you to go to JB next week. Tuesday.'
'Oh, but I am blocked the whole day.'
'Really? OK, make it Wednesday la.'
'In the meantime, try to submit that summary for corporate video's input by tomorrow. Datuk is anxious to see the storyboard any time soon.'
'Will do.'
'3 pm David will be in to discuss on this project. I want you to sit in.'
>bila gamaknya aku nak siapkan data tu untuk Trump padahal dier nak by Thursday. Gila, gila! Aku gila!!<
Aku & colleague:
'Carneyz, I email contact details publisher. Pastu department budget kat you.'
'Za, I rasa macam I pulak nak terberanak ni.'
'Takpelah. Take it as a challenge.'
'Apsal la u nak beranak time ni?' (dier just gelak2)
>challenge giler babas<
Aku & dia:
'Sayang, banyak betul keje. Tension la. Nasib baik ada sayang.'
'Ala, kesiannya sayang...'
P/S: Caiyok2x buat diri-sendiri...!
Trump recently remembered that he is coaching me in my MBA. He has given a parallel subject to what he gave me during my interview last time to research on and discuss tomorrow. In my panic, I have emailed Big Boss for help. After all, he is taking MBA elsewhere and he maybe has done this topic before.
On top of that, Trump dumped more things to read (on countries' competitiveness analysis, mind you) on my table with instructions to discuss this as well. And on top of that too, he has also clearly specified a book titled 'The World Is Flat' written by a Mr. Friedman who has successfully fried my brain over the weekend trying to cramp his analyses and of course, this too shall be discussed tomorrow. Horror. An essay, a 30-page document to read, and 275-page book to digest.
That didn't stop me to spend my Saturday shopping with my ex-roommate back when I was studying in UTM. We wandered around Masjid Jamek, fingering fabrics and sampling food. In our mind, we have a vision to start a business and we are testing the market first before we invest in it. At night, we went to fetch my CLK (cute little komputer) from Beloved, had dinner together, before hopping on my bike to go back to my friend's apartment where I spent the night.
You could say. It was an interesting weekend.
Note: Takziah buat Kak Noamee yang kehilangan anaknya, Adik Hilmi... Semoga Allah mencucuri rahmat ke atas adik Hilmi. Al-Fatihah.
On top of that, Trump dumped more things to read (on countries' competitiveness analysis, mind you) on my table with instructions to discuss this as well. And on top of that too, he has also clearly specified a book titled 'The World Is Flat' written by a Mr. Friedman who has successfully fried my brain over the weekend trying to cramp his analyses and of course, this too shall be discussed tomorrow. Horror. An essay, a 30-page document to read, and 275-page book to digest.
That didn't stop me to spend my Saturday shopping with my ex-roommate back when I was studying in UTM. We wandered around Masjid Jamek, fingering fabrics and sampling food. In our mind, we have a vision to start a business and we are testing the market first before we invest in it. At night, we went to fetch my CLK (cute little komputer) from Beloved, had dinner together, before hopping on my bike to go back to my friend's apartment where I spent the night.
You could say. It was an interesting weekend.
Note: Takziah buat Kak Noamee yang kehilangan anaknya, Adik Hilmi... Semoga Allah mencucuri rahmat ke atas adik Hilmi. Al-Fatihah.
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