Pernah tak korang terjumpa singkatan-singkatan yang digunakan di sosial media atau perbualan di media sosial di kalangan golongan muda sekarang? As a parent, agak challenging jugak nak memahami mesej dari anak-anak guna bahasa singkatan 🤣. Nampak nau dah tua!So dekat sini aku senaraikan maksud dari singkatan yang kita jumpa di media sosial:FYP = For...
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Semalam cikgu Khadeeja mintak tolong a few parents untuk menghantar beberapa orang murid dan cikgu ke raptai hari sukan sekolah pagi tadi sebab pihak sekolah ada masalah pengangkutan. Kebetulan aku pun nak keluar ada urusan di PJ, jadi aku pun setuju.Pakai smart sikit sebab ada urusan di PJ lepas hantar budak-budak tuKat manakah latihan raptai hari...
Orang kata, ke mana tumpahnya kuah kalau tak ke nasi. Dalam kes kiteorang ni, Suami Terchenta boleh rasa bangga sebab Khadeeja ikut jejak langkahnya iaitu coding skill. Di sekolah lama Khayla dulu pernah diajar coding menggunakan aplikasi Scratch Junior. Bila Khadeeja tengok kakaknya buat coding, dia pun nak tiru jugak dan sejak tu beberapa kali...
Salam. Kali ni aku nak review pasal baby room @ KLIA khas buat ibubapa yang ada anak kecik di luar sana.
Setiap kali nak travel dengan anak2 kecik ni, macam-macam cobaan yang terpaksa dilalui, betul tak? Kalau kena naik flight awal pagi, nak kejutkan anak-anak, salin baju dieorang, buat susu dieorang dah satu hal. Belum lagi kalau tak sempat mandi...
Been a while since I last wrote about anything other than my darling, precious babies. LOL! I'm also nearing the end of my MBA studies, and fervently hoping that I could graduate by next semester! Initially the plan is to graduate by this semester, but turned out there's too much work for my thesis that I did not anticipate so I have no choice but...
(Disclaimer: This posting is based on my own experience flying short-haul flights (2 hours and below), and does not reflect on any airlines' standard procedure nor endorsed by health professionals. Readers are recommended to seek relevant info from the airlines' website or speak with their baby's doctor prior to air travel. These tips may not always...
Hi peeps!
Today I'm gonna talk about cloth diaper experience. Ever since my friend introduced me to cloth diapers, I have been a huge fan of it for numerous reasons. One, because I love the environment. Do you know how much landfills are made up of dirty diapers? Can you imagine inheriting those landfills to your kids? I can't. I want them to have...
Happy Saturday peeps!
I've been wanting to document the story of Khayla's potty training because in no time at all, I'll be potty-training Khadeeja for all I know! Seriously, these kids grow up too fast. One minute Khadeeja is just a wrinkled, day-old baby and now she's rolling on the mattress and turning herself from back to front! Sob, sob… I wish...
Khayla is now 18 months old. She drinks a lot of milk. She pees a lot. Suddenly, I find that the cloth diaper is leaking!
But I like being the super Earth-friendly mommy! I don't mind washing her cloth diapers, because it just needs rinsing and then thrown into the washing machine for the rest. And we save 2 diapers (disposable ones) a day, minimum.
Ladies and gentlemen, I have a confession to make.
I love the environment *ceh, pengumuman yang agak poyo*
Well I do! Seriously. I try to bring my own bag to shop on Saturday, I travel by bike to reduce my carbon prints (and fuel expenses), I refuse plastic bag when I only purchase few items, I like to patron environmental-friendly retail like...
Last week, Khayla turned 4months old and I am happy to say that she has been growing up healthy and strong, despite coming out 2 weeks earlier than her EDD. Suffice to say, her chubbiness and strong immune system is largely contributed by the milk she drinks - breast-milk :) Yes, Khayla is 100% and exclusively breastfed since she was born, Alhamdulillah!
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