Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha!
This year is our third time celebrating Hari Raya Aidiladha together :) If last year we had the privilege to host an open house, this year we decided to have a low-key celebration.
In the past, during Aidiladha, I used to bake my specialty cake - Kek Batik. The cake was so popular among friends that it'll be finished within only hours! This year, I decided to bake Kek Batik again, with the help of Suami Terchenta :
Using mixer which is our wedding gift from my darling sister, we whipped sugar, butter, eggs, flour and cocoa powder together.
This is an important ingredient to making Kek Batik - Marie Biscuits
The art of baking cake - aren't they pretty? -_-
Pour the batter into a saucepan and stir it all the time over slow fire
When it thickens, add in the biscuits. Lastly, when it's ready put it in a container and put a layer of clean plastic on top before pressing the cake until it is really compressed!
Tadah! The compressed cake! When it's cool, put them in the fridge :)
This is how it looks like after. Yummy!
For our Raya meal, we cooked chicken curry & chicken kurma and also bought some lemang to have them with:
Curry, kurma & lemang
Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha, everyone!
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