Wokeh. Kinda bz nowadays. Doing latest, latest proposal. Bukan setakat write-up nak kene buat, but also the creative concept :p Baru siap 5 pages. Ada 4 more pages (hopefully) then progress to meeting again. Ada seminggu lagi to the deadline, and by that time, kitaorang kena dapatkan 4 LCD / plasma tv companies to advertise. Sempat ke? Entah la...
Weyyy! Keje Teknikal tak buat lagi. Field trip report tak buat lagi! Waah! Sempat ke tak sempat nih??
P/S: Sesapa yg keje kat company Hitachi ke, Panasonic, BenQ, etc. yg nak advertise produk for FREE (T&C applied) kat ahem, sini (tempat aku keje nih la) puhleez let me know. I'm looking forward to talk business.
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