The first thing I wanna do this morning:

1. Plan the day
2. Start on the souvenir proposal

3. Blog on what happened over the weekend
Last weekend, Anne, Jen, Surve (or Vive, if you wanna call her that) and I planned to shop for Jen's shoes as she was supposed to fly to Taiwan this week.

The plan didn't materialize because Jen, who was supposed to meet up with me at SP didn't turn up when I arrived there. It was drizzling, and as I typed a message to Jen, Anne called me up.

'Did you hear about Jen? She's had an accident!'
'OmiGod! Is she ok?'
'I dunno. Let's go and see her. Meet me at Surve's place.'

We met up, went to the clinic, missed her by 15 minutes and discovered that she was at one of the manager's place. When we arrived, she was looking awfully miserable and in pain. Being Jen, she managed to put up a brave smile for us.

Lucky for Jen, she didn't fall on the inner side of the road and that saved her life as the road was quite busy at that time. We spent some time asking her about the incident, then trying to cheer her up. We asked her whether she'd be ok to go for the trip and asked her to call her manager to inform this. Chairman came, and only had one remark,

'Still sexy.' :p Chairman nih, terserlah his true nature *wink*

To Jen, hope you'll recuperate quickly and don't be too disappointed about the trip to Taiwan which she had to abandon at the last minute. Will continue later.

P/S: Anne & Surve, I just found out that Donald Trump M'sia masuk opis hari ni.

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