'Moody la tu. Menyampah betul.'
'PMS kot.'
'Apa tu?'
'Alah.. alasan je tu. Benda sket pun dah nak marah2. Bukannya first time pun. Bulan2 pun kena. Takkan tak leh control?'
Note: Kepada semua lelaki yg penah mengutarakan ucapan sedemikian, meh sini. Nak kasi lempang sebijik. Diaorang mana penah rasa sakitnya menjadi seorang perempuan. Nak buat plak tuduhan melulu. Kata-kata 'biasa la tu, tu pun nak kalut lagi. Umur dah berapa?'; 'alah, sakit sikit pun dah nak makan orang. Takkan tak leh tahan?' ; 'apa? dua minggu lagi baru nak 'kene' pun dah start mengamuk? tak tahan betul ngan karenah perempuan nih. emosi sgt!'
Sama jugak macam lelaki2 yg cuma terkebil2 bila tengok isteri diaorang mengerang kesakitan nak beranak. Sempat lagi isap rokok, borak2, gelak2 kat luar hospital ngan member2 baru yg tengah tunggu isteri diaorang jugak.
'Sakit sangat ke? Mcm buang air besar je kot.'
'Kalau sakit sangat, mesti diaorang serik nak beranak kali kedua. Tak de ape2 kot. Diaorang je buat ekspresi muka lebih2.'
'Aku kalau bini setakat mengerang2, aku malas nak layan. Dah dekat2 tu, baru aku drive dia ke hospital.'
'Alah, diaorang jugak yang suka beranak.'
Sedangkan isteri diaorang bertarung nyawa nak melahirkan keturunan diaorang. Hampeh betul suami macam tu.
Menurut satu website yg aku jumpa, PMS nih ialah:
Pre-menstrual Syndrome (PMS) is a condition characterised by a variety of
symptoms which occur up to 14 days before the menstrual period and cease with or shortly after the arrival of a period. PMS affects some 74% of all women.
Dr. Abraham Gay, bekas profesor pakar sakit puan kat Universiti California, LA, menerangkan simptom2 PMS:
Pre-menstrual Anxiety (A): This is characterised by elevated blood oestrogen and low progesterone. 75% are said to fall into this group. Symptoms include: Anxiety, irritability, insomnia, depression (just before menses).
Pre-menstrual Hyperhydration (H): Associated with salt retention and possible elevated aldosterone (an adrenal hormone that affects fluid retention). 65–75% are said to fall into this group. Symptoms include: weight gain above 1.4 kg, breast congestion, abdominal bloating, swelling of face and extremities.
Pre-menstrual Craving (C): Characterised by evidence of reactive hypoglycaemia (low blood sugar). 30% are said to fall into this group. Symptoms include: Craving for sweets, increased appetite, headache, fatigue, palpitations, fainting.
Pre-menstrual Depression (D): Characterised by elevated progesterone levels later in the menstrual cycle, and by a possible increase in male hormones (androgens). Sometimes there is evidence of chronic lead poisoning. Only a small percentage are said to fall into this group. Symptoms include: Depression, forgetfulness, confusion, lethargy.
Although some women only suffer from one sub-group of symptoms, it is common to suffer from any combination of sub-groups at the same time.
Apa puncanya?
Hormonal disturbances are often given as the major cause of PMS. Mainstream medicine offers little more help than the use of synthetic hormones (pil perancang la tu). What is often forgotten or ignored is that nutritional deficiencies, an underfunctioning liver, stress and even a disturbed gut microflora may give rise to or exacerbate hormonal disturbances.
So mintak kaum Adam supaya bersabar bebanyak ngan kaum Hawa bila diaorang menunjukkan tanda2 akan bertukar menjadi singa walhal tak de buat salah apa pun...
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